Safeguarding at Church
St. John the Baptist Church, Lound Safeguarding policy.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer (during Interregnum)
Rev. Helen Jary (Rural Dean)
Tel: 07990 501683
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor
If you have a safeguarding concern, allegation or suspicions of abuse about a child or vulnerable adult please immediately contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser using the following Report a Concern referral form which should be emailed to
Where a child or adult is at imminent risk call 999, or for:
• a child or adult in Norfolk call 0344 800 8020
• a child or adult in Suffolk call 0808 800 4005
Both of our Safeguarding Advisers can be contacted on:
Tel: 01603 882345
Postal address: Safeguarding Team, Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
If you wish to directly contact one of the advisers, their contact details are:
Sue Brice, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07958 377079 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
Or alternatively, contact Peter Sayer, Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Adviser
07342 999386 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB