Worship at Lound Church
St. John the Baptist, Lound is a Forward in Faith and a Society church, has a Walsingham cell and maintains a tradition of Anglo-Catholic worship, with music and incense; our regular service is Sung Mass.
We draw our congregation from an area far wider than our parochial boundaries.The church is always open during the day and is much visited by walkers, cyclists and others, often from far afield.
Before Covid restrictions there was a sung ‘Parish Mass’ on three Sundays each month, a pattern which we hope eventually to restore, or perhaps even augment. At present we are in Interregnum, but are generally able to hold two services each month, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Check our ‘Services’ page to find out what is happening.
Worship is supported by our newly refurbished Harrison & Harrison organ.
On High Days such as Candlemas, Ascension and Corpus Christi the local branch of GSS and CBS gather here for worship.

A little more about our church

For thirty years or so, St. John the Baptist, Lound has been part of the Somerleyton Benefice, a varied group of six churches, each with its own tradition and ethos.
In order to safeguard Lound’s distinct traditional catholic identity, the PCC has requested, and been granted, pastoral and sacramental oversight from the Bishop of Richborough, who is also an assistant bishop in this Diocese of Norwich.
In turn, a decision has now been made to take Lound out of the group and to link it with St. Mary the Virgin in Hemsby, the only other traditional catholic petitioning parish in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk. The Patron of both churches is The Society for the Maintenance of the Faith. We anticipate that the links with the five churches remaining in the Somerleyton group will continue.